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Sunday Lunch

Chocolate salami (without eggs)
Chocolate salami (without eggs). Nonna’s recipes
If a book about grandmothers served the purpose of not missing mine, I would look for it. I'm usually able to manage memories, but some days, it is hard to manage their B-sides. Yes, memories have two sides, like coins and old vinyl records. Side A makes memories a soft dough that will rise in the oven; it…
Salame matto (fake salami). A recipe from cucina povera of Romagna
Salame matto (fake salami). A recipe from cucina povera of Romagna
Salame matto (fake salami) is a typical meatloaf from the humble cuisine of Romagna that brings to mind many a family meal, especially Easter lunch. First of all, I think a clarification is necessary. Some Italian recipes, in the title, contain the adjective finto (fake) or matto (which translates as crazy but has value as…
Mortadella and veal rifreddo (meatloaf)
Mortadella and veal rifreddo (meatloaf)
Rifreddo, galantina, stuffed chicken and capon are classic dishes of Bolognese cuisine. They represent one of the happiest expressions of local home cooking. The Bolognese table is welcoming in flavor and appealing to the eye. And recipes, even if rich in character and ingredients, never recall food porn. On the contrary, the local gastronomic culture doesn't lack a certain…
A recipe for chocolate pralines called Cri Cri
A recipe for chocolate pralines called Cri Cri
Cri Cri are chocolate pralines of Piedmontese origin, and if you're wondering what they have to do with me recounting the cuisine of Emilia-Romagna, I'll tell you right now. On January 6 in Italy, we celebrate the Befana, which closes the festivities of the Christmas season. That day, I would wake up early while the house was…
Herb-stuffed pork loin recipe: ho to make it
Herb-stuffed pork loin recipe: how to make it
Loin, tenderloin, and loin with bones are three distinct parts from the same part of the pork. The tenderloin is the part near the thigh, the loin with bones is the part with the ribs, and the loin is the final part of the back of the pig. The pork loin is a lean and valuable cut…
Cappelletti romagnoli with cheese recipe
Cappelletti romagnoli with cheese recipe
Filled pasta evokes memories of rituals and traditions that belong to my family history. Maybe it is that the Holiday season is coming, or it's the passing of time that is to blame, but I admit, for the past few years since mid-November onward, I have started to make stock pots and tons of fresh stuffed…
Homemade Parmigiano stock recipe
Homemade Parmigiano stock recipe (with rind)
In Italian kitchens, the stock is a staple recipe with several uses. All the broths share the same main ingredients and preparation method: water, vegetables (almost always the base is one stick of celery with the leaves, one skinless white onion, and one whole carrot), and salt. Then, there is the ingredient that gives a specific taste. Again,…
Homemade dried porcini mushrooms pasta dough
Homemade dried porcini mushrooms pasta dough
I associate the memory of the first taste of some foods among the keenest gastronomic moments of my life. For example, with oysters, it was a disaster. They were exceptionally high in quality and fresh, but my palate and stomach expressed a different opinion. The experience with porcini mushrooms was of the opposite sign. I was with…
Creamy zucchini and basil lasagna
Creamy zucchini and basil lasagna
I remember the taste of that creamy zucchini and basil lasagna from when I was a child. Grandma created this dish from just a few eggs of pasta dough and zucchini from the garden, which she cooked slowly with lots of basil until they were almost mushy. It is a summer and vegetarian version of lasagna.…

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