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Sunday Lunch

Italian Zuppa Inglese cake recipe
Zuppa Inglese cake, memories and nonna’s recipe
Zuppa Inglese cake (English Soup) was one of the spoon desserts that nonna made most often. It was one of the Sunday lunch desserts. It was such a simple recipe for her that never, not once, did she make it for Easter or Christmas. Good thing, since I wouldn't say I liked it. Besides the Vera Torta…
Italian pumpkin pie recipe
Pumpkin pie recipe (from scratch): All Saints or Halloween?
For the first time, I made an American pumpkin pie to celebrate Halloween and All Saints' Day. In Italy, although Halloween related festivities are increasingly celebrated, the real holidays are All Saints Day (Festa di Ognissanti) on November 1 and All Souls Day (Giorno dei Morti) on November 2. Not an Italian pie but the American pumpkin…
Vera Torta of Imola: a local, ancient dessert recipe
Vera Torta of Imola: a local, ancient dessert recipe
Vera Torta (True Cake) is a typical dessert of Imola, a territory of Romagna culture located in Emilia and, more precisely, in the district of Bologna. It is an old-fashioned recipe, passed orally from family to family and now registered at the Bologna Chamber of Commerce (2019). Its almond flavor is reminiscent of the Bologna Rice Cake,…
Torta di prugne dell'Appennino bolognese
Plum cake of the Bolognese Apennines recipe
The plum cake of the Bolognese Apennines is part of the culinary tradition of my land and is a dessert with an old fashioned flavor. On the border I was born on the border between Emilia and Romagna. Precisely in Imola, Romagna cuisine and culture in Emilia territory. Father's family, which came on the border between Romagna…
Torta di robiola
Robiola cake and the notebook with the black cover
Most of my grandma's recipes, like this robiola cake, live in our memory. Sometimes, I feel sorry thinking about the ones we lost. But, more often, I am happy for those we have recovered, patiently cooking until we have reconstructed the flavors we remembered. Nonna collected recipes as others do stamps. Her repertoire ranged from…
Buckwheat crespelle with ricotta and asparagus cream
Buckwheat crespelle with ricotta and asparagus cream
What characteristics should a modern cuisine recipe have? I answer the question by pointing to one dish. Buckwheat crespelle with ricotta and asparagus filling. An indulgent but light recipe with a straightforward procedure. These are the characteristics of modern cooking that I practice. Modern cooking. Or maybe not Modern cooking is a harmonious blend of…
Roast guinea fowl with artichokes recipe
Roast guinea fowl with artichokes recipe
Roast guinea fowl stuffed with artichoke hearts is a dish where flavor and lightness go together. White meat, vegetables, and little fat (those that the guinea fowl releases as it cooks in the pan). I had forgotten the soft, juicy, and not at all stodgy guinea fowl pulp. Conscious carnivorous Since a few years, I have been eating…
Bologna cheese flan recipe
Cheese flan, typical recipe of Bologna and Romagna
The modern version of the cheese flan recipe combines many flavors; the original recipe calls for Parmesan cheese only. This recipe, typical of the tradition of Bologna and Romagna, allows me to tell why Bologna, the capital of Emilia-Romagna and located in the Emilia part of the region, has a heart that is a bit Romagnolo. A…
Nougat semifreddo with chocolate drops
Nougat semifreddo with chocolate drops
With nougat semifreddo, there is an almost familial connection. Semifreddo and, in general, spoon desserts make me think of the lunches that never finished when the adults stayed at the table for hours. And if the occasion was official, even we children had to remain seated until we were expressly authorized to leave the table. Those were other…
Maccheroni al forno con pangrattato
Macaroni with breadcrumbs and the story of macaroni eaters
This recipe for macaroni with breadcrumbs is for macaroni eaters. Who is the mangiamaccheroni (macaroni eater)? In 1500 were Sicilians, in 1600 were Neapolitans. Even Artusi was called mangiamaccheroni. Then, from the end of the 19th century, the term indicated Italians who had immigrated abroad. And today? Today we are all mangiamaccheroni, in Italy and abroad. In the world, pasta is…

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