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Stuffed baked onions, vegetarian recipe
Baked Stuffed Red Onions And The Meaning Of the Italian q.b.
Baked red onions is a vegetarian recipe where you need stuff them q.b. (to taste). Do you know the meaning of the Italian expression q.b. (or qb)? The expression is an abbreviation for quanto basta (quantum satis) and is used in both medical and cooking recipes. In both cases it indicates a quantity. q.b. in the kitchen.…
Prosciutto crudo (ham) ragù: a traditional recipe of Bologna
Prosciutto crudo (ham) ragù: a traditional recipe of Bologna
Prosciutto crudo (ham) ragù  a la Bolognese , also popular in Romagna, is a homemade recipe that has been part of my culinary baggage for as long as I can remember. It is not an express sauce or a sauce you can cook in about twenty minutes. It is an authentically traditional ragù from the…
Cipolline in agrodolce con aceto balsamico
Sweet And Sour Onions And The New Leading Role Of Sides
While cooking sweet and sour cipolline, I reflected on sides, dishes that traditionally accompany other courses. But what if the side was not just a splash of color to complement the main course? The sides and the table. And whether that plate of vegetables is instead the indicator for measuring the importance of a meal? Take cipolline in…
Romagna Easter Loaf, A Peasant Recipe For Breakfast
Romagna Easter Loaf, A Peasant Recipe For Breakfast
Easter loaf or pagnotta di Pasqua is a simple loveria of Romagna (loveria is a term from the Romagnolo dialect used to refer to good food). It is a leavened dome-shaped semi-sweet bread, typical of the peasant tradition of Romagna and once eaten on Easter morning. The Easter loaf of Romagna In Romagna, the traditional colomba (the…
Rice Cake of Bologna
Traditional Rice Cake (Torta di Riso) of Bologna
Rice cake (Torta di riso) is typical of Bologna. Once, it was called  Torta degli Addobbi  (Cake of the Decorations). Its name comes from the religious Feast of Decorations. On that occasion, people traditionally made and served it. Feast of Decorations During the late and early medieval period, heretical theories flourished that questioned the role…
Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread With Cereal Flakes
Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread With Cereal Flakes
I love baking pane. Maybe because I love its taste and I have always eaten it with gusto. There was the buttered slices of white bread that I ate without jam. The common bread (pane comune) on the table at lunchtime and again for dinner. There were the baskets of different breads and breadsticks for Sunday lunch or if…
St. Joseph’s Cookies With Vanilla Pastry Cream
St. Joseph’s Cookies With Vanilla Pastry Cream
Their half-moon shape reminds of fresh pasta ravioli, but raviole, at the female, are dry biscuits typical of Bologna. Today, instead of the traditional ones, filled with mostarda Bolognese, I preferred St. Joseph's cookies with pastry cream. St. Joseph’s cookies. On the blog, also find  the more traditional recipe for raviole , the biscuits made on the…
Crescente, The Typical Focaccia Of Bologna
The crescente, a typical focaccia from Bologna
Have you ever visited Bologna? Do you know or have you ever tasted the local focaccia called crescente?   From Pellegrino Artusi (Recipe No. 194) to the Simili sisters, legendary Bolognese cooking teachers, no cookbook does not mention this focaccia. I leave it to the Italian gastronome to introduce it in his own words: When I first heard…
Apple Upside Down Cake
Apple Upside Down Cake Without Oil Or Butter
The apple cake is one of the most popular homemade desserts in Italy. Likewise appreciated are tarts and ciambelle. At my home, ciambella was also very popular. When I was a child, Grandma baked almost every day something I ate for breakfast and merenda. What I'm going to share is the recipe for a…
Lentil And Borlotti Bean Ragù For Dressing Pasta
Lentil And Borlotti Bean Ragù For Dressing Pasta
The word ragù refers to a sauce, usually of minced meat mixed with vegetables, stewed at a low temperature for many hours. The recipe has French origins and began to circulate during the Renaissance as an accompaniment to other dishes. But it has been in Italy that the French ragôut went from being almost a side dish…

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