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Rice casserole with potatoes and mushrooms
Rice casserole with potatoes and mushrooms. Pure comfort food
When I think about comfort food, firstly, I guess steaming dishes like this rice casserole with potato and mushrooms, a revisitation of a famous Italian dish from the South, rice, potato, and mussels  tiella. But what exactly does comfort food mean anyway? However, I suppose it changes for each of us, above all today, with…
The basic recipe for Bolognese fresh egg pasta dough
Basic recipe for Bolognese fresh egg pasta dough
Bolognese pasta dough is made with eggs and flour. Mainly, making Bolognese pasta dough (in Italian: sfoglia) needs only a few ingredients that skilled hands turn into something special: a large number of pasta shapes that make Italy's gastronomic heritage unique. Bolognese pasta dough. Along Via Emilia, in Emilia as in Romagna, the tradition of pasta dough…
Lemon Tart With Blueberry Cream
Lemon Tart With Blueberry Cream And The Morning Air
Waiting for September to take stock of the things done, those still to be done and let some new project make its way through the pages of the agenda, I promised myself not to exaggerate. The uncertainty and peculiarity of the year, the things around me keep changing, pushed me towards a programming "at hand" and…
Via Emilia Recipe: Tigella Bread or Mountain Crescentina
Tigella or Mountain Crescentina from Modena
Some foods remind me of special memories and experiences. So it is for me with tigella, a typical flatbread of the Emilia-Romagna region. I grew up in Romagna and tigelle (at the plural), or crescentine montanare, an Emilia specialty. I only discovered and appreciated them after moving to Bologna. It is true that decades ago, they were not…
Fig Cake
September, The Month of New Beginnings And Fig Crostata
I look at the bowl on the table and can't wait to make the fig crostata, an appointment I look forward to every year in September. September has always been the month of new beginnings. And while I indulge in the memory of the beautiful things of summer, with the arrival of September I change step. In…
From Summer. A Peach Amaretti Cake and A Handful of Memories
From my summer. A Peach Amaretti Cake recipe
End of August. The end of summer is behind the corner. And before the season ends, I share a recipe for a "good by chance" peach and macaroon cake. Now I'm telling you the genesis of this cake. Happy times to remember. Of the summer of the year that I will not -no one of us- forget, I…
Raw zucchini salad with aragula and lentils
What's your favorite salad? The zucchini salad combines summer flavors with lentils which, in Italy, are usually associated with winter and, for this reason, remain forgotten in the pantry for months (what a shame!). I hope you will try it, I enjoyed developing this recipe and even more eating it. Salad is a recipe. The Italian food…
Pasta alla Checca
Summer Food: Cold Pasta Alla Checca And Other Recipes
What are the summer dishes you prepare most often? My list is long enough but don't think about elaborate dishes. Cold pasta and salad are among my favorites, confirming a clear preference for recipes where seasonal ingredients are the protagonists, often, in all their genuine simplicity. Cold pasta: simple but not boring The recipes in my summer…
Frittata trippata
Eggs and Tomato (Fake Tripe in Tomato Sauce)
Is the tripe in it? No. And not a single piece, no matter how tiny, of meat. It's a vegetarian dish that deliberately resembles tripe in appearance. Hence the name. Frittata trippata or Eggs in Tripe The dish name combines the Italian word frittata and the adjective trippata from trippa…
Pizza Al Tegamino (Pan Pizza) Recipe
Epic Merende Memories And My Recipe For Pizza “Al Tegamino”
What makes pizza so special? I think the secret is to be found in its simplicity. Then if I had to tell you what makes the pan-fried pizza incredible, I would add the choice of mold and olive oil. Pizza al tegamino (or Baked Pan Pizza) Literally means "pizza in the pan". This is what happens when you…

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