This semifreddo happily marries the taste of chocolate with the deliciousness of home made panna (whipped cream) and the freshness of strawberries in a simple recipe that is also egg-free and gluten-free.
Chocolate Semifreddo with Panna and Strawberry.
Perfect for any little occasion.
It’s a recipe from my family cookbook I haven’t made in a long time.
Sometimes, my grandmother Sara used to make it for merenda and I, surrounded by cousins, all boys, always ended up at the back of the line. Then I found out that if I stood guard at the freezer, I’d be the first to get my slice that Grandma would cut quick for me before the gang of cousins arrived.
Today I’m the one handing out the slices. Who wants to taste first?
Good seasonal cooking, Monica
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Food Tips
Before whipping the cream, put whisk hooks and cream in the freezer for about 5 minutes, this way it will be easier to whip panna.
Before lining the mould with film, slightly wet the bottom and sides with water. In this way the film will adhere perfectly and once removed, Chocolate semifreddo will be perfectly smooth.
Chocolate Semifreddo with Panna and Strawberry Recipe
serves 6
strawberries cut into small pieces, 70g
strawberries to decorate, about 90g
mascarpone, 250g
bitter cocoa, 20g
liquid cream, 200g
dark chocolate, 100g
butter, 40g
powdered sugar, 50g
Melt the butter with the chocolate in a small saucepan, stirring slowly.
Pour mascarpone and cocoa into a bowl, add the melted chocolate and mix using the electric whisk.
In another bowl, whip panna with sugar using the whisk.
Add chocolate cream to the panna, keeping a third of it aside.
Mix the remaining whipping cream with the strawberries cut into small pieces.
Now layer the semifreddo.
Line a rectangular mould (23cm) with film so that it is higher than the edges of the mould.
Pour a first layer of chocolate cream, then one of panna with strawberries and finally cover with a last layer of chocolate cream.
If creams are too soft, put the mould in the freezer for a few minutes before adding the next cream.
After mixing the dessert, put it in the freezer for at least 2 hours, or overnight, before serving.
Leave semifreddo at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving.
In the meantime cut fresh strawberries into thin slices and decorate the surface of the dessert.
Once defrosted, you can keep the dessert in the fridge because the mascarpone cream is quite solid.
If you like desserts, have a look at the other recipes on the blog.