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Savory brioche loaf with aromatic herbs recipe

Savory brioche loaf with aromatic herbs recipe

Savory brioche loaf but just as good as the sweet one.
If you’re here, we probably think the same way.

Brioche is a French preparation. It has nothing to do with the traditional Bolognese and Romagna cuisine I usually share on the blog. But it has a lot to do with my life because I love bread in all its forms. And with my passion for bread and baking. As I search for the baking class that’s right for me, I exercise my hands and imagination.

Savory brioche loaf with aromatic herbs recipe

Brioche loaf

Even though I own the planetary mixer, it often happens that I still knead by hand.
First in the bowl and then on the cutting board. I like to touch the dough with my fingers as I work it. In this way, it is easier to understand if it needs more milk or water, if it is elastic enough or if it still needs to be kneaded.

I am not an experienced baker. But, experiment after experiment, I have been testing recipes and trying to increase my knowledge about the world of bread-making. I have met some master bakers who have shared valuable advice, and thanks to whom I have realized that I want to learn more about the subject.

French brioche is bread but also brioche.
Flour, milk, eggs, yeast, and butter are the ingredients that characterize and differentiate brioche loaf from simple bread.

The sweet version usually wants little sugar. Often, a little sugar is added to the savory brioche as well. You can turn sugary brioche with jams and sweet creams. And make the same with a tangy version but using different ingredients like pesto or prosciutto. On the blog, you will find a recipe for stuffed rolls where the starting dough is the same for savory brioche (HERE, you will find the recipe).

Farmer's market in Bologna

Aromatic herb recipes

My savory brioche

There was a savory brioche recipe that I had long wanted to make again. After some testing, I changed the amounts of the ingredients, but then I hadn’t had a chance to check. I searched through my notes, found the modified recipe, and put it to the test. More than once within a few days because it is so good that I have offered it on different occasions and, each time, what a success!

And so, although this was not supposed to be the new, first recipe after the summer break, I changed plans.

To the traditional dough, I added the fragrance of chopped herbs (in the tips, I indicated all the aromas I used and in what amount).

I can hardly resist the scent of herbs and aromatics when I go to the farmer’s market. At home, I had some blooming mint, sage, parsley, and chives in a couple of cups. Somewhere I knew I also had thyme that I had put out to dry in July. I chopped a bunch of them and added the dried ones.

I chose to add them into the mixture as I kneaded, to distribute them evenly inside the bread.

I did not put sugar, but to the yeast dissolved in milk, I added also a tablespoon of honey.

Buona cucina, Monica

Cook with me

Serve the savory brioche with cream cheese enriched with herbs or grated lemon zest.
I make it this way: mix 300 g of spreadable cheese with two or three tablespoons of milk or heavy cream to soften the cream, olive oil, and salt for seasoning. Then I add chopped chives and a little grated lemon zest. Keep refrigerated and bring to room temperature just before serving.

There is another pairing I recommend, savory brioche and lentil paté (HERE find the recipe). Also, of course, with mortadella mousse, a Bolognese and traditional recipe (HERE).


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Savory brioche loaf with aromatic herbs recipe

Food tip

I made the chopped herbs using: 1 sage’s leaf, a little mint, plenty of parsley and thyme, and a few strands of chives (8 g in all).

Savory brioche loaf with aromatic herbs recipe

for many slices
plum-cake mold 20cm
List of the Ingredients

600g 00 flour (or spelt flour)
2 eggs
1 level tablespoon honey or maple syrup
100g melted butter + that for brushing the brioche bun
200 ml warm milk
25 g brewer’s yeast
7 g fine salt
chopped herbs, 8g


Wash the aromatics and make a fine chop with a knife, set aside.

The first time I made this brioche, I did not have my planetary mixer. You can knead by hand, no problem.

Dissolve the yeast in 100g of warm milk. Add honey and stir to dissolve.

Beat eggs lightly and keep aside.

In a bowl, place the flour, make a hole in the center, pour in the milk where you dissolved the yeast, and let stand for 10 minutes, covering with a dish towel.

Then add all the other ingredients 8also the chopped herbs), except the salt, and knead for 10 minutes. Add the salt and knead for another 5 minutes.

Let the dough rise covered for a couple of hours or until doubled.

Knead for the second time. And roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a height of 1 cm, and with a knife, or the pasta cutter, cut out rectangles that do not all have to be the same.

Line the mold with baking paper or grease the bottom. Put inside one rectangle of dough at a time, folded in on itself (look at the photos below the recipe)

Brush generously with melted butter.

Let rise for 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on your kitchen temperature, and bake in a static, preheated oven at 200C degrees for 25 minutes.

Remove from the oven and, if you can, wait until it is cool before slicing.
It will keep fragrant for up to a week.

Breads and so on recipes

Breads and so on recipes

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