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Nougat semifreddo with chocolate drops

Nougat semifreddo with chocolate drops

With nougat semifreddo, there is an almost familial connection. Semifreddo and, in general, spoon desserts make me think of the lunches that never finished when the adults stayed at the table for hours. And if the occasion was official, even we children had to remain seated until we were expressly authorized to leave the table. Those were other…

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Zuppa Imperiale, The Traditional Minestra Of Bologna

Zuppa Imperiale, The Traditional Minestra Of Bologna

When outside it is cold, I can't think of anything better than steaming soup. Despite its name, Zuppa Imperiale is not a soup but a  minestra . And a typical recipe of Bologna. Unlike other Bolognese pasta dishes, you don't need to make sfoglia (pasta dough) to make Zuppa Imperiale. For its easy preparation, you will…

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Risotto with Goji Berry, Taleggio, Candied Orange Zest

Over the weekend I organized a dinner to taste this new and easy risotto recipe I developed for Riserva San Massimo farm. Conversing with friends about food and its connection, I argued that the tale of tales tells about food. What do you think? The beauty of the world, man’s labour, nature’s gifts and its inspirations. The seasons…

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Traditional Bolognese Recipe: Tortellini Fritti (Fried Tortellini)

Who's ever heard of fried tortellini? Tortellini fritti (fried) are one of my fav "ricetta della tradizione" and it's also a super traditional Bolognese recipe, sometimes forgotten from Bolognese people too. Yes because you can eat tortellini not only in broth or with a delicious cream of parmigiano reggiano, but also fried. Easy to make and really…

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Savory Parmigiano Reggiano Cookies And Tastes of Emilia

Savory Parmigiano Reggiano Cookies And Tastes of Emilia

Parmigiano cookies. A recipe that has been part of my repertoire for many years. Ever since I moved to Bologna two decades and a handful of years ago and, as a Bolognese-Romagnola raised on piadina (a typical flatbread of Romagna) and tortellini (as I was born in Imola, where Emilia ends and Romagna begins and vice versa),…

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