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Savory Potato and Salami Pie, Gluten-Free Recipe

In Italy, Easter holiday usually arrive on warm, sunny days and picnics. During that time of the year, savory pies are a common dish, especially served or filled with hardboiled eggs.   Potato pie: what you're looking for your Easter menu To change this savory pie in a perfect Italian Easter Pie recipe, garnish with boiled eggs cut…

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Orange-Fleshed Potato, Parmigiano & Onion Mini Sformato

The Italian word “sformato” refers that after cooking, the preparation must be turned upside down. Generally sformato is an appetizer or a main dish. One time it was served also as a kind of “middle course” between primo piatto and main course, especially on the occasion of more formal meals. What exactly sformato is? Sformato and…

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